A Better Tomorrow

My day-to-day coaching and consulting aspiration is inspired by the Native Prayer of Approach:
“I bring no cherished outcomes and an undefended heart to our meeting place.”
And yet, because I care so deeply about the activation of human potential at work, I still find myself subject to disappointment.
I have been working on building my awareness and understanding of the part of me that wants to numb after a disappointing day at work.
This is the part of me that after a difficult day, very reliably suggests (at about 6pm) “Let’s have a nice glass of wine to take the edge off.”
I only drink very moderately, but I know that even after one glass of wine, my sleep quality is reduced and I am less likely to get up early enough to take my dog for a dawn run.
I also know that alcohol is a depressant and that it takes way more than it gives.
Lately I have been trying to find much better ways to care for the part of me that is prone to numbing.
I don’t always succeed, but when I stay in the drivers seat of my choices it always leads to mornings when things feel much lighter and brighter.
When we consciously consume, we are more likely to let in what we really need most.
Here are some of the things I have been trying:
- A long bath
- A short at-home yoga practice
- Reading a good book
- Tidying up my bedroom
- Putting away the laundry while listening to a good audiobook
- Playing cards with my kids
- Making a big mug of hot chocolate
- Putting on my most comfy PJ’s at 5pm
- Watching something that makes me laugh
- Listening to the beautiful meditation “Loving & listening to yourself“
Self-Fidelity Practice To Play With This Week
We all have a part of us that wants to numb after a difficult day. This awareness can empower us to take better care of ourselves over the long-term.
This week I invite you to reflect on this question:
How might I take better care of myself after a difficult day and set myself up for a better tomorrow?
Alcohol does not relieve stress; it erases your senses and your ability to think. Alcohol ultimately erases your self. (…) Alcohol is the only drug on earth you have to justify not taking.
Annie Grace – This Naked Mind
By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes.
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