Being Fully Yourself

I have launched a podcast. It’s called True Power.
I believe that true power comes from staying connected to who we really are, at our core.
Staying connected to our core flows from building the capability to lead our many different ‘parts’.
And the gateway to building this capability is opening to a whole new understanding of self, and reimagining what it means to be self-aware.
I define true self-awareness is the practice of better understanding our core self and our many parts with the curiosity and compassion.
My podcast is about what it really means to stay true to ourselves and why authentic leadership is such tricky business.
I’ll be harvesting and sharing inspiring, real-life stories from big-hearted leaders around the world.
It is my hope that these stories help you remember who you really are so you can serve the greatest good and make the difference you want to make in the world.
One of the key questions, I will be asking all my guests is: When you’re being fully yourself, what sort of person are you empowered to be?
Here are a few answers I have received to this question:
I’m caring and inspirational for others to be their best selves.
I’m a leader that works progressively, in a curious, open-hearted way without defensiveness, fear and worry of failure.\
I am a leader who can support others achieve their goals by helping them remove barriers in the workplace so that they can get on and do what they do best.
A leader that can give the best support to my team regardless of challenges.
I am calm and clear. I have a sense of perspective and humor.
I’m a leader who doesn’t feel self-conscious about her ideas and who feels confident to share, knowing that some people might not agree with her but keen to learn from others.
I laugh. I make more time for my people for casual interactions, as well as formal engagements. I’m clear about what I need to accomplish for each major goal and I’m productive.
Listen to the first episode to hearing the moving story of my good friend Jasmine who changed her name as a child to avoid being bullied. In our conversation Jasmine shares how she feels about that pivotal decision today.
By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes.
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