
Dear Reader

being true

Last week I participated in a series of writing workshops with my fabulous book coach Kelly Irving.

One of the exercises Kelly facilitated was imagining the moment I have dreamt about many times – the moment when I give my book True Self Awareness to my target reader – the one person I am writing to and for.

Kelly asked us to write a heart-felt letter to this person, to accompany our book.

For me, writing this letter was a wonderful thing to do.

It’s really not easy to write a good book (or a decent weekly blog).

Writing this letter helped me see that all the struggles, frustrations, tears and countless hours of deep-thinking, hard work and even harder re-work are all totally and utterly worth it.


Dear Reader,

At the risk of things getting a little weird right off the bat, I want you to know that I have written this entire book just for you.

I know that may seem like a lot of effort for me to go to, and it was. But you’re worth it.

Right now, you probably don’t believe that, but it’s true.

It breaks my heart that you so often convince yourself that you are not enough. Not smart enough. Not experienced enough. Not attractive enough. Not strong enough. Not good enough. Not worth enough.

It is my sincere hope that the pages of this book gently illuminate what others see in you.

That it emboldens you trust in your enough-ness, in your goodness, and in your brilliance. That it helps you to see that you are not alone in your inner secret struggles.

To know that there is nothing wrong with you. And to believe that everything you need is already inside of you.

The very best of human nature is seeking to express itself through you in unique, powerful, vibrant ways.

Right now, this expression of your true essence is being refracted and distorted by parts of you that have lost their way. But as you meet these parts with compassion and understanding, gain their trust and begin to hold them close, things will begin to shift for you, I promise.

I hope this book supports you to find the courage to embrace the parts of yourself that are scared, lonely, hypervigilant and exhausted.

To cultivate lasting relationships with the aspects of yourself that have been in the shadows for so long – yearning for your love and attention.

This book an invitation to join me on a wonderous journey of self-discovery. A journey that will forever change the relationship you have with yourself – and all others.

I will be there with you, every step of the way. And I’m ready to begin, whenever you are.

All my love,



If you are on the path from self-betrayal to self-fidelity and in need of a little guidance and support, click here to see how I can help.



By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes. 

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