Letting Go of the Shore

As the a new COVID-19 cluster continues to grow here in Melbourne at the mid-way point of yet another seven-day snap lockdown, the anxiety is palpable.
I keep wondering whether our desperate search for ‘a new normal’ is part of the problem.
We all crave some sense of stability, we all want to cling to the shore – that’s our conditioning.
But what if the stability we crave can be found within us, rather than around us?
We all have a stable centre of inner wisdom.
We all possess an innate potential to be strong, capable, adaptive, creative, brave, patient and kind.
What if everything we need is already within us, waiting patiently for us to discover it?
What if we just need to restore trust in ourselves and each other?
What if we could find the courage to let go of the shore and call off the search for ‘the new normal?’
We all have the capacity to learn how to draw on our goodness, wisdom and connectedness in ways we have never done before. To sense, learn and respond with kindness, compassion and courage to whatever happens next, anchored in the truth of who we are.
Now more than ever, I am leaning on my self-fidelity practice to let go of any cherished outcomes so that I can feel my way through the coming weeks, months …and years.
Do you have a practice to draw on?
Self-Fidelity Practice To Play With
This week I invite you to play with the idea of calling of your search for your ‘new normal’.
What new possibilities might emerge if you were to learn how to trust in your innate ability to sense, learn and respond to whatever happens next?
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
Hopi Elders’ Prophecy
By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes.
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