Rebalancing Power

Much has been written about the imbalance of masculine and feminine power in the world today.
I have not come across a more powerful description of the possibilities that emerge from the rebalancing of masculine and feminine power inside each of us, and in the world, than the one offered by Dr Scilla Elworthy in her fabulous book Pioneering The Possible.
Here’s what Scilla shares:
What is essential for human survival now is the rebalancing of the masculine and the feminine qualities possessed by both men and women. We recognise and admire the extraordinary power of individuals who have managed it, who can call equally on their courage and their compassion, on their logic and their love, on their intention and their intuition. (…) This rebalancing of the masculine and feminine power over time creates a being that, like a great dancer, combines peace and passion, rigor and spontaneity, discipline and surrender, being and doing, head and heart. (…) With all it’s challenges, the age we face now demands that human beings access their wholeness – their ability to use body, soul and spirit, as well as mind. Women and men of wisdom have a key part to play in showing how this rebalanced power works, awakening in humanity the love and devotion to life on earth that will enable not just survival, but transformation and a future full of possibility. This can be an evolutionary awakening of global proportions.
It’s true that we’re making progress towards the critical rebalance of power and the emergence of true wisdom.
It’s also true that progress is slow and we still have such a long, long way to go.
Last week, this Bloomberg article reported that the number of women CEO’s at big companies finally exceed the number of CEO’s named John.
A small, and bitter-sweet victory for sure.
We must continue to accelerate the much-needed rebalancing of masculine and feminine power.
So, let’s continue to be unapologetic and intentional about supporting the elevation of feminine power, just like my gorgeous friend and yoga teacher Kellee Lewis did this weekend.
Kellee chose to open her Saturday morning yoga class by sharing the powerful passage ‘Women’s Anthem‘ written by Lang Leav.
I felt honored to be in the room.
Here is what Kellee shared with us:
Women are fierce. They are powerful. No matter what language they speak, how they dress, or the work they choose to do. What matters is they have a choice, and the freedom to carve out a life for themselves. As long as we know women who are strong and resilient, we must respect them, carry them forward, lift them up. For they are the product of all our other selves, the women we were, the ones we strive to be, the collective struggle of our mothers, our sisters, our daughters. Our salvation will only come if we stand together.
By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes.
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