The Truth About Leadership

Everyone is born with innate leadership qualities. At our core, we are all naturally courageous, clear, caring, creative, connected, confident, calm beings. Which means we all have the potential to be great leaders.
The problem is that life hardens us, and chips away out our confidence and self-trust.
Over time, we lose faith in ourselves.
This week I invite you power-up your innate leadership capabilities by writing your leadership story.
Simply fill in the six key elements below – and ta-da, you have your leadership story!
Of course, you may choose to adapt your leadership story depending on your context.
To really activate your essence as a natural-born leader, I recommend you share your leadership story out loud.
Hi, I’m <your name> and I’m <your role(s)>. I have a background in <your experience> which means that <your expertise>. My aspiration is <your vision as a leader> because I believe <your why>.
Here is my leadership story:
I’m a trusted guide for big-hearted leaders who want to be true to themselves at work. Through coaching, speaking, training and writing I empower and inspire fellow self-fidelity practitioners. I have a background as a global executive in large corporates which means that I understand the real-life challenges of honoring your true essence at work. My aspiration is to see the word self-fidelity added to the dictionary in my lifetime because I believe that now more than ever we must restore faith in ourselves and each other as a catalyst for the co-creation of workplaces where people and performance can sustainably thrive.
No leader sets out to be a leader.
People set out to live their lives, expressing themselves fully.
When that expression is of value, they become leaders.
So the point is not to become a leader.
The point is to become yourself.
Warren Bennis
By reconnecting to our deepest selves we liberate our highest potential and serve the greatest good. I’m a trusted guide for curious big-hearted leaders who want to honour the truth of who they are. I offer coaching, plus a range of programs, workshops and keynotes.
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